13 August, 2003

Re: EJE: 21 May, 1944 - 13 August, 2003

Another small selection of the responses I received from some incredible people. These were in response to the note sent out to let people know of dad's passing.

P -

I just finished up with a client, saw that there was a message to call your mom, and opened up my e-mail before I called her. There of course was your message with the subject EJE: 21 May, 1944 - 13 August, 2003. My heart stopped for a moment and I thanked God for a peaceful death. I wish I was there to put my arms around all of you, because I can only imagine the emotions that you are all feeling right now. I took a deep breath and dialed your mom's number and we had a nice visit. As hard as this all is, I keep thinking that you all have such fond memories of your Dad, and that finally he is resting with nothing more to worry about. He will never be forgotten by any of us, and I personally embrace what I got know of him and the admiration I felt for the man that he was. Take care of each other and I will see you soon. . my deepest sympathy to all of you.

It was with great regret that I read the passing of my friend this morning.

Eric was blessed with a close and loving family. Please pass our condolences on to S and your sister. All of you have been very courageous through these years and knowing constantly the potential outcome for so long I'm sure doesn't make it any easier.

As a person of your Dad's generation, my views of immortality no longer include physical continuity but rather the intangible attributes one acquires through association and living - integrity, values, love of family, "the appreciation of a night sky", enjoyment of "good humor", etc. . When the qualities of a remarkable person get consciously and subconsciously passed on for generations through love, coaching and good parenting - to my mind the person attains immortality. You will see Eric in your children, grandchildren and those of your sister, the physical likeness is of course genetic but the intangibles will be attributed to your family's love and respect - emulating the same loving guidance provided to both of you.

Our Very Best Regards,

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