30 November, 2000

A ray of hope

a ray of hope... it's not that there's been any progress against Dad's disease itself, but he's finally actually calling around and considering alternatives... and most importantly, just not taking what they are giving him without looking into alternatives. I certainly don't have any delusions about some miracle cure being out there, or about Dad's current doctors being uncaring or incompetent, but I consider his current mood & activities to be a strong victory... because it means that he's starting to come to terms with his condition, & taking some responsibility for his life (and his care) into his own hands, which is very empowering & positive. I've been seeing him feeling so isolated & help/hopeless... I hope that he can now start to feel more alive - for however much time he has left. It kills me to think that this cancer could beat him & take his life without even killing him... but I can see it happening, or starting to happen; and maybe this is a small turnaround.

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