10 August, 2003

email update - 10 August, 2003

This is the update that went out to the broad list. A variation of the one I sent out the day before to my small group.

hey all,

On Friday afternoon, we met with Dad's primary Doctors to talk about the results of the scans taken on Wednesday; and Dad's overall condition. Based on the unperturbed growth of his cancer, even while his transplant was functioning, his failed kidney, the loss of his white blood cells, infections, and other complications; they advised us that there were no more medical options that could cure Dad's disease or improve his condition.

Over the past week, Dad has grown increasingly uncooperative and defiant with the nurses when they try to care for him. On Friday morning, he told us that he didn't want assistance (human or technological) to try to communicate. He also indicated that he only wanted to rest.

On Saturday morning, when Mom and my sister asked him if he wanted to continue treatment, he answered clearly, "no."

We've spoken with the staff here at the Med Center, and dialysis has been stopped. The Hospital will do everything possible to make him comfortable, and nature will take its course. It may take as long as a week, but Dad will be completely comfortable, and go very peacefully.

We will be up here at the hospital as much as possible, for as long as he's here. Visitors are certainly welcome.
Dad will be ok. The rest of us... we'll make it through this - together.

Much love,

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